
New photo series Eden
The American novelist Mark Twain, best known for his The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, also wrote some short stories called The Diaries of Adam and Eve. As I read them, I saw the Garden of Eden, from which Adam and Eve were banished for eating the forbidden fruit, not as a Biblical reference but as something that can stand for Planet Earth and our natural environment today. What do we have here – a utopia or a dystopia? In ancient Japan, people believed that the gods dwelt in all things. Yet there are places where, although trees grow there in abundance, large quantities of waste are buried in the ground and attempts to restore the land are presently under way. I don’t suppose that this series will lead to some sort of solution to this problem. One thing we can say is that even seemingly untouched natural landscapes have been altered by human hand. Aren’t these altered landscapes just as good as natural ones?

Translated by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations (Rotherham, UK).
Additional write: This series is an ongoing project, which started in November 2023. This photo series also includes photos taken earlier (from 2014). And some of the work includes C2C client work.


From the series Eden. Upper-right: Green Love Letter, created by sculptor Masayuki “Masa-san” Takahashi in 1989 on a mountain beside Sagami River (Lake Sagami).

写真シリーズ「Eden」について: 『トム・ソーヤーの冒険』で知られるアメリカの小説家マーク・トウェインは、短編小説『アダムとイヴの日記』も書いています。私はこの小説を読んで、禁断の果実を食べたためにアダムとイヴが追放されてしまう「エデンの園」を聖書の引用としてではなく、地球という惑星と現代の自然環境の象徴として捉えてみました。ここはユートピアなのか、それともディストピアなのか。古代日本では万物に神が宿ると信じられていました。しかし木々が生い茂る地中に大量の廃棄物が埋もれ、現在その土地の再生が試みられている場所もあります。このシリーズで何らかの解を導き出そうとは思っていません。ただ言えるのは、一見手つかずの自然にも人の手が入っていて、それも等しい存在なのではないかということです。

*その他のシリーズのアーティスト・ステートメント/ブリーフ・イントロダクションは、このウェブサイトのメインメニュー [Photo Projects]、またはこのNoteページのサブメニュー [photo projects] に記載しています。いくつかの英文ステートメントはより正確なものに今後置き換えていく予定です。


The Wall

The Wall by Masato Ninomiya


400 years ago, a quarry at Cape Manazuru, a headland on the south-western edge of Kanagawa Prefecture, provided stone for the walls of Edo Castle (now the Imperial Residence). The remnants of the site have been left undisturbed by human hand. The headland was created hundreds of thousands of years ago by lava from an erupting Mount Hakone. Here, in the time of the shogun Hidetada Tokugawa, stone hewn from the naturally formed rock was cut, loaded onto ships and carried to Edo Castle. This kind of scene, if it included stonecutters, samurai and sailing ships moored on the beach, might feel as quintessentially Japanese as the ukiyo-e of Hiroshige Utagawa. What I focused on, however, was the shapes given to the rocks, traces left by stone-cutting, rocks washed by the waves and other aspects of the geological environment. These may not seem specific to this or any other country, but they can give us a sense of human activities at that time. There do not seem to be many sites in such an undisturbed state as this quarry left in Japan. And today, in the area around Edo Castle, rows of buildings stand like walls, as if symbolizing the centuries-long urbanization of Edo-Tokyo.

Photographs and text by Masato Ninomiya
Translated by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations (Rotherham, UK)

Dye and Pigment hybrid print
Copier paper 75 gsm
148mm × 200mm
22 photos, 48 pages (Including cover)
Contained in cardboard box


Reincarnation 終の住処

Personal photo story “Reincarnation” | 26 photos



Reincarnation (26 photos) : This personal photo story is an ongoing series, which started in 2010. These photos are at my parents’ house and surrounding countryside the Izu peninsula. My father said, “When I retire, I’d like to spend the rest of my life in the Izu peninsula”. In 2010, my father bought a house in the Izu peninsula. Mountain-burning on the Mt. Omuro is one of the events of the Izu peninsula. It will be carried out in February every year for refreshment of grasses. I think it to be reincarnation (A never ending cycle of life). It is the last place that my parents live. *The paper airplane that my father handed to my mother is the contract sheet of this house.


Tokyo 2020

New: Short documentary series “Tokyo 2020

“You keep that,” said my dad. It was a copper medal commemorating the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, which were held before I was born. He told me that the start of shinkansen rail services was timed to coincide with the Games, and that sales of the colour TV sets that replaced black and white ones went through the roof. The second Tokyo Olympics was planned to take place 56 years after the first, in 2020. But the Covid-19 pandemic broke out at the start of the year, and the Games were rescheduled for 2021. The global coronaviruscrisis remained unresolved, however, and cities in Europe and America went into lockdown. In Japan, where the law does not allow lockdowns, states of emergency were repeatedly declared in the major cities. In April 2021, Tachikawa Sougo General Hospital, a medical facility in one of Tokyo’s suburbs, posted messages in its windows warning that it was at the limit of its capacity to treat patients and calling for the Olympics to be cancelled. At present, with three months to go before the Games are due to start, the majority of Japanese citizens are still unvaccinated, while the Japanese government’s line is that the Olympics will go ahead.

This short documentary series is intended to allow us in future to look back on the once-in-a-lifetime year of the planned Tokyo Olympics.

Translated by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations (Birmingham, UK)





issuu: “Tokyo 2020” Photozine: A5, 17 photos + Text, 41 pages


Borderland Part II

Add 8 photos: Series “Bordeland” 2019 – ongoing

These photographs are part ofBorderland”, one of my photo archive projects. I live in the city of Sagamihara (Kanagawa Prefecture), where the US Army Sagami General Depot is situated. In 2014, 17 of the depot’s total 214.4 hectares were returned to Japan. A local pro soccer team is planning to relocate its home stadium to this area. There are also plans to construct an extension of the Odakyu Tama railway line and a new station underground here. What this currently unused site will look like in the future is very hard to imagine. Recording this landscape as it changes will require a long (10-year) time-frame. Since the end of the War in 1945, Kanagawa Prefecture seems to have experienced an influx of American culture, as the US Army’s presence has brought jazz, surfing, surf music, movies, hamburgers, entertainment, art and the like to Shonan coast and even the central area of the prefecture where I live.

Translated by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations (Birmingham, UK)


Borderland」に追加した8枚の写真について: これらは、私の写真アーカイブ・プロジェクトのひとつ「Borderland」に関連した写真です。私が住む神奈川県内には米陸軍相模総合補給廠があり、2014年に214.4ヘクタールのうち17ヘクタールが土地返還されました。将来この場所には、地元のプロ・サッカーチームのホームスタジアムが移転される計画となっており、さらには、小田急多摩線が延伸され、地下に新たな駅が建設される計画となっています。現在の手付かずの土地からは未来の風景を想像するのはとても難しいですが、移り変わっていく風景を記録していくには10年単位の長い年月が必要です。そして、神奈川県の文化に目を向けると、1945年の終戦以降、湘南海岸を始め、この県央地区でも、ジャズ、サーフィン、サーフ・ミュージック、映画、ハンバーガー、エンタテインメントやアートなどのアメリカ文化が米軍を通じて入ってきたそうです。

*参考文献:「米軍基地と神奈川」國學院大学講師・栗田尚弥編著 有隣新書、他

cf. My website ‘Note’ (May 2020)



America in Kanagawa | There are dotted with US naval facilities in Kanagawa where I live. Of these US Radio Transmitting Facility Kamiseya in the suburbs of Yokohama was drawn off and the land was returned in 2015. The site area was 242ha. Cherry blossoms were planted along the surrounding highways as a sign of friendship. This part of the square opened to the public during the first week of April, despite the former border fence, the crossing is still prohibited. It is planned to attract an International Horticultural Exhibition which will be held in 2026, on the site of this US naval facility. After that, there is a plan to build a big theme park. The purpose of this photo series is to record one part of the history of Japan and the history of Kanagawa where the landscape will soon be reborn. This series is an ongoing project, which started in April 2019


Borderland」について。映画「この世の外へ クラブ進駐軍」のように、米軍基地に勤務する職員向けにジャズ演奏するクラブが神奈川で生まれ、それがのちに芸能界の誕生となったエピソードは有名かもしれません。横浜郊外・元米海軍通信施設の敷地面積は東京ドーム51個分。2015年に土地返還されたその敷地は、戦後アメリカに接収されたアメリカの領地でした。かつての国境、有刺鉄線内は今も立入禁止ですが、かつて友好の印として植樹された桜が満開になる四月の第一週には元ヘリポート広場が一般開放され、今では県内有数の桜の名所となっています。2026年、国際園芸博覧会の誘致に伴う土地再利用計画が具現化すると、そう遠くないうちに生まれ変わるはずの風景。それを記録していく試みです。今年新たに元号も変わる中、今後変貌していく風景を戦後日本の歴史のひとつとして+神奈川の中のアメリカ。

追記: 元米軍施設の土地再開発計画には、周辺の桜並木を伐採するプランも含められているようです。そして、将来はテーマパーク建設も計画されているようですが、この敷地には日本の国鳥キジが多数生息しています。もうひとつ、盗難に遭うのか英語標識が徐々に姿を消しています。「Borderland」にその前後の光景を追加したように、上記一枚目の「DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)=飲酒運転禁止」の標識は2021年の時点ですでに存在しません。



issuu: “Borderland Vol.01” 148mm x 188mm, 32 photos, 60 pages



This photo series focuses on the area that extends underneath the Seisho Bypass along the Seisho Coast and National Route 1. The Seisho Coast is usually a quiet place with few people around, familiar to locals as a fishing spot and a walking route for large dogs. At the same time, coastal erosion due to natural processes has progressed. Some areas have lost as much as 45 metres of sand beach in the last 65 years, and the seawater pools at Hiratsuka and Kozu have recently been closed. In the Ninomiya area, a typhoon washed away the beach and caused a section of the Seisho Bypass to collapse in 2007. Currently this area has an artificial sand beach. At Kozu the pier structure of the Seisho Bypass is being eroded by waves, and tetrapods are becoming increasingly common here. I decided to make a photographic record of the appearance of this coastal area that has been restored by humans. Another purpose of this photo series is to make a comparison between Hiroshige’s depiction of Hiratsuka, Oiso and Odawara in “The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido”, and how these three places look nowadays. This series is an ongoing project, which started in September 2018.

Coastline” brief introduction: Translated by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations (Birmingham, UK)



