Handmade book: The Wall
A quarry providing stone for the walls of Edo Castle (now the Imperial Residence) 400 years ago.
Places: Cape Manazuru, Mount Hakone and Edo Castle
28 photos, 60 pages, 182 x 230 mm, B5 variant format
A description of this photo series can be found here.
Cover: Mino washi paper in traditional Japanese colors glued onto cardboard
Body: Awa washi Inbe thin white paper 70 gsm, Mino washi paper and tracing paper
Binding: Japanese four-hole binding, white hemp yarn
Typeface: (alphanumeric) Minion, (kanji + kana / vertical text) Hiragino Mincho
Photographs, text and design by Masato Ninomiya
Translation of text on pp. 6 and 56 by Michael Normoyle and Yoshiko Furuhashi at M&Y Translations, Rotherham, UK
◼️ News
This book will be exhibited at the “People by TS. Photo” booth hosted by Takashi Kato-san and others from Terrace Square Photo at the 14th edition of TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR (TABF), to be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo from November 28, 2024 to December 1, 2024. Please come and see the sample copy.
本書は11月28日(木)から12月1日(日)まで東京都現代美術館で開催される第14回TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR (TABF) にて、テラススクエア・フォト加藤孝司さんらによる「People by TS. Photo」ブースに出展させて頂けることになりました。見本をお手にとってご覧頂けます。よろしくお願いします。
“People by TS. Photo” booth at the MOT art museum
追記: ブースの片隅に手製本を置いてくださった加藤孝司さん並びにテラススクエア・フォトの方々に改めて感謝します。会場でお手にとって見て頂いた方々もありがとうございました。そして、会場での七年ぶりの再会にも感謝。