AVALANCHE / DUAL by Hiroshi Takizawa at POST
Photography | |||
2017.03 | 峰崎野人 | 居所 | TAP gallery |
2017.04 | 日本写真開拓史 | TOP Museum | |
2017.04 | 山崎博 | 計画と偶然 | TOP Museum |
2017.04 | 長倉洋海 | ジャーナリスト 長倉洋海の眼 | TOP Museum |
2017.06 | 小檜山貴裕 | もうこわくて目があけられない | 大阪 | hitoto gallery |
2017.07 | 一色真由美, 小山奈那子 | 波の穂 | TURNER GALLERY |
2017.08 | 永瀬正敏 | flow | 小豆島 | Gallery KUROgO |
2017.09 | 荒木経惟 | センチメンタルな旅1971-2017- | TOP Museum |
2017.11 | Fukuda Hideko, Asami Kumiko | Helsinki | Neighborhood and Coffee |
2017.11 | 長島有里枝 | そしてひとつまみの皮肉と、愛を少々 | TOP Museum |
2017.11 | TOPコレクション | シンクロニシティ 平成をスクロールする 秋期 | TOP Museum |
2017.11 | 滝沢広 | AVALANCHE / DUAL | POST |
Toppan Printing WAO project
(PL) Ta -san and (Photographer) Chizu Takakura -san at TOP Museum
Top: Toppan Printing WAO project July.23.2017
ShareGrapher – C2C Photographer Matching Service
Murauchi BMW Chief Advisor Takayuki Kato and his beloved car “E46 ALPINA B3 touring”. For the demonstration experiment, we visited his family home and garage.
PL: Takahiro Harai Toppan Printing Co.,Ltd.
Photographer: Masato Ninomiya
B/W pigment print on Canson paper: Atelier Matsudaira
Bottom: Private shot Oct.27.2016
Murauchi BMW Chief Advisor Takayuki Kato (w/his wife) and his beloved car “E46 ALPINA B3 Cabriolet” at Lake Shiroyama
Photographs and direction: Masato Ninomiya